Tuesday, August 31, 2010

TWiT 263: Done Hoeing

leesrig.fatcow.com leesrig@gmail.com 2theted.webs.com Lee's 420 shoW

Monday, August 30, 2010

LaRouche supporter assaulted by Alaska State Fair Security

Me and my Martini equals Happiness!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

been away

Well well well. long time no see i have too been sucked into the twitter and facebook madness and forgot that i have more to say here than twitter 140 charterers and facebook changing things left and right adding places to my shit and making real pain to turn off but i still use it damn i mean everyone is on that shit so ill ride it out my gmail account was hacked to day from some jack-hat in china named jenny and got fake ass links in it so you know don't click them that is all for now need to recharge the battery and refuel the truck for some disc golf today cant wait been playing disc golf like mad if im not around the house im down at Kincaid banging the chains

Lee's 420 Show (505) 886-1533

jay and lee show (646)470-SHOW

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